Как нас найти

IL CONVENTO was a charming hotel located close to the main shopping street in Naples and walking distance from the harbour were all the boats to islands depart. It's also near several excellent restaurants, the opera house, a funicular, and so on Now for the Spanish Quarter. We loved it. Was it crowded? Yes. A little gritty? Yes. Friendly? Very. No worries at all.
italics from tripadvisor.it

We've no parking. There is a garage at 300mts from us. Prices from €23/24h - Supergarage - Via Shelley, 11.
:: Airport: Napoli Capodichino - Km 6.5
:: Train station: Napoli Piazza Garibaldi - Km 2.7
:: Port: Molo Beverello - km 1.6
:: Subway:Linea 1 Pz Toledo - 200 mt
:: Coordinates GPS: 40.84052063488286, 14.2476636171340