Help attract frequent travelers with Expedia Group Members Only promotions

Expedia Group member travellers tend to spend more, stay longer, and book more often than non-members. You can target these high-value guests by using Members Only promotions. Members-Only promotions offer exclusive deals to over 100 million members across all Expedia Group sites.

Recent Expedia Group research tells us that discounts remain a compelling motivator for travellers looking to book, and they play an important role in fueling the return to travel.

• 65% of travellers said they use a pricing filter when searching on a travel booking website.*
• A room discount would make 50% of travellers more likely to book an extra night.*
• 30% of travellers considering their first trip after the global pandemic will consider promotions and discounts when choosing their lodging options.*

While travellers are searching for discounts, it is more important than ever to design a promotional strategy that delivers a strong return on your investment. Using a Members Only promotion is a great strategy to target your promotional offer to the best possible audience and improve your visibility in search.

How Expedia Group Members Only promotions help target high-value guests

Expedia Group members, on average, book twice as many nights and spend twice as much as non-members. They are also more frequent travellers. Over 60% of travelers in Expedia Group loyalty programs stated that they expect to travel several times a year.

Stand out in search results with Members Only promotions

Each Members Only promotion receives an exclusive badge that helps you stand out in traveller searches. The Members Only badge adds additional visibility to your listing among your competitors in traveler searches.

Ready to get started?

It is easy to manage Members Only promotions directly in your channel manager. After logging in to RoomCloud, just click on the tab PropertyExpediaPromotions. Create a new promotion and tick the box Member Only.

For any information on how to activate Expedia Group Members Only promotions, contact us at