Increase Bookings on with Mobile and Country Rates

In the world of travel and hospitality, the online marketplace is booming. With the advent of technology, travelers now have the convenience of booking accommodations and experiences from the comfort of their smartphones. is a prominent player in this digital arena, offering a vast array of lodging options across the globe. But, how can you make your property stand out, increase bookings, and get noticed amidst the fierce competition? We’ve got the answers for you.

Mobile Optimization: Your Key to Success

The Mobile Revolution

In the digital age, the majority of travelers rely on their mobile devices to plan their trips, make bookings, and explore new destinations. If you want to capture this growing market, mobile optimization is essential.’s algorithm favors properties that are mobile-friendly, giving them a higher ranking in search results.

Mobile Rates in’s data shows that properties that offer a special rate to customers on mobile have, on average, a 3% higher click-through rate from search results and 22% more bookings from customers on mobile. So why not maximise your bookings with’s Mobile Rate?

Visit their website to learn more about how Mobile Rates work. If you think it’s the right pricing product for your business, you can also easily implement it through RoomCloud. You’ll be able to block 30 days per year when the rate won’t be offered to customers, and you can opt out at any time.

A Responsive Website

Your website is your virtual storefront, and its responsiveness on mobile devices can significantly impact your bookings. Make sure that your website is designed to be responsive, so that it can it adapt to different screen resolutions and sizes. This provides a seamless browsing experience for mobile users, making it more likely for them to book with you.

Speed Matters

Mobile users expect speed. Slow-loading websites can deter potential guests. Optimize your site’s performance to load quickly on mobile devices. Compress images, minimize code, and use content delivery networks to ensure a lightning-fast experience.


Elderly people mobile

Leveraging Country Rates

Country Rates in

One strategy to increase bookings on is to leverage country-specific rates. Different travelers from various regions have distinct preferences and budgets. Tailoring your pricing to these preferences can be a game-changer.

The Country Rate enables you to do just this by offering a discount of 5% or more to travellers in specific countries or regions you want to target. This pricing tool is a well-established way to boost bookings.

You can visit to learn more about how the Country Rate works. As for Mobile Rates, you can easily implement it through RoomCloud platform. Country Rates are active throughout the year, but you can select up to 30 blocked dates when they don’t apply and you can opt out of the product at any time.

Market Research

Before adjusting your pricing, conduct thorough market research. Understand the travel behavior and spending patterns of travelers from different countries. Are they budget-conscious or willing to pay more for added amenities? Knowing this will help you set the right price points.

Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic pricing is the practice of adjusting your rates in real-time based on supply and demand. By employing this strategy, you can maximize your revenue during peak seasons and entice travelers with competitive rates during off-peak times.

Building a Stellar Profile

Yet, defining rates in is not enough. In order to boost your online strategy and actually increase bookings you need to have an optimized profile on the OTA.

High-Quality Photos

A picture is worth a thousand words, and on, it can be worth a thousand bookings. Invest in high-quality photos of your property to showcase it in the best light. Highlight unique features and the overall ambiance to entice potential guests.

Comprehensive Descriptions

Your property’s description is your chance to shine. Be thorough in detailing what makes your space unique, what amenities you offer, and what sets you apart from the competition. Paint a vivid picture with your words.

Local Insights

Provide insights about the local area. Share tips on nearby attractions, dining options, and activities. Travelers often choose properties that offer a local perspective, enhancing their overall experience.

The Final Word

In the competitive world of online bookings, optimizing your property’s presence on is crucial. Mobile optimization, leveraging country rates, and building a coherent and solid profile are just a few key strategies. Combine these tactics, and you’ll be well on your way to increasing bookings and standing out in the digital landscape.

Remember, the world of travel is ever-evolving, and keeping up with the latest trends and technology is essential. By consistently adapting and improving, you can ensure your property’s success on and beyond.

For any information on Mobile and Country Rates, contact us at