Why you should encourage reviews from guests and make one about them

Reviews from guests on all major OTAs, but in particular on Airbnb, are important to both travellers and hosts like you. First, they help travellers decide whether to book at a property and do so with more confidence.
On the other hand, they allow hosts to attract more guests by presenting themselves better. We can say without exaggeration that the success of your online sales relies heavily on reviews. Airbnb claims that the more positive reviews you get, the more you earn.

How guest reviews work

At the end of a stay on Airbnb, both guests and the host can leave a review about the other within 14 days of checking out. It’s important to remember that the review will not be published until both of you have submitted it. The review is then posted on both parties’ profiles and a response can be sent. In addition to written reviews, guests can rate their stay with a star rating. From 1 to 5 based on the quality of the experience. After 3 guests have assigned you a rating, the average will be published on your profile.
It’s important to keep an eye on your rating because Airbnb assigns the Superhost title to anyone who gets an average of at least 4.8 stars. In addition to the general stay, travellers can also evaluate specific categories of services they have used. Such as the cleanliness, the quality-price ratio, the location, the check-in procedure and the accuracy of the advertisement.

Why and how to request private feedback

With private feedback, you can ask your guests for a constructive evaluation of your property, without penalizing your ads. It’s a great opportunity especially for new hosts who need honest advice and guidance from travellers.
Rate your experience


Write reviews about your guests

Writing a review about your guests has several benefits. First of all, it reminds them to write one about you. Secondly, it also allows other hosts to get more information about guests before accepting a reservation. Your review can help them decide whether to host them or not. Last but not least, it allows you to show gratitude and help build a friendly relationship with your guests. A fabulous review might even convince them to come back.

How to manage guest reviews from the Channel Manager?

If the channel manager integrates with the OTAs with a two-way XML connection, you can manage reviews from the extranet. For example, RoomCloud channel manager allows you to view and respond to Booking.com reviews from the dedicated section of the dashboard. Or, you can reply directly from the channel manager to your guests’ private messages. This allows an even closer relationship with your guests, which will guarantee you positive reviews. For Airbnb, you can simply click the link in the automatic mail that the portal will send you after the guest has checked out and write the review on the extranet.
In conclusion, reviews aren’t always as what we want them, but it’s always helpful to ask your guests for one at the end of their stay. If they are positive, they will improve your profile and bring you more bookings. If they are negative, they may offer tips and advice to improve the quality of your ads.

For any information on how manage reviews and messages from RoomCloud channel manager, contact us at sales.roomcloud@tecnes.com